Protea is both the botanical name and the English common name of a genus of South African flowering plants, sometimes also called Sugarbushes. Most Protea occur south of the Limpopo River. 92% of the species occur only in the Cape Floristic Region, a narrow belt of mountainous coastal land from Clanwilliam to Grahamstown, South Africa. MOST PROTEAS WILL FLOWER FROM YEAR 3 AFTER PLANTING, but the spectacular flowers are well worth the wait.
This is a large ornamental shrub with a fairly long flowering time, producing large flowers, varying in colour from creamy-green through silvery pink to deep carmine. A ‘beard’ of purple-black to pure white hairs sets off the colour of the inner bracts. Protea nerifolia is an excellent plant for the garden and an outstanding and long lasting cut flower
BOTANICAL NAME: Protea Nerifolia
COMMON NAME: Protea Nerifolia. Blue Sugar Bush
AFRIKAANS NAME: Baardsuikerbos
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