Margaret Roberts Organic Fungicide Reg.no L7422 Act36/47 NA-AR0761

Margaret Roberts Organic Fungicide Reg.no L7422 Act36/47 NA-AR0761

USAGE: Powdery mildew on roses, ornamentals and peas, also useful for bacterial leaf spot, damping off and many other diseases. Disease symptoms already on plants do not disappear but new growth is protected from disease

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Organic plant acids……….19g/ℓ

PESTS AND/OR DISEASES: Botrytis, Early blight, Downy mildew.

ACTION: The Fungicide works by attacking the cell walls of the fungus making it susceptible to the elements. The fungicide is also systemic and is absorbed by the plant to produce a variety of beneficial reactions.

CROPS: Edible crops, ornamentals, herbs and roses


OR118 – 100mℓ

OR117 – 1ℓ

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Harvesting of edible crops 24 I5:J10hours after last application.