Ludwig’s Insect Spray + Reg.no L7150 Act36/47 NA-R0761

Ludwig’s Insect Spray + Reg.no L7150 Act36/47 NA-R0761

USAGE: Insects: Ants, aphids, red spider mite, white fly, astylus beetle, chafer beetle, CMR beetle, Flower beetle, scale, thrips, etc.

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Canola oil…250.0 g/l.; Garlic extract 642.0 g/l ; Pyrethrins (extract of flowers of Chrysanthemum cinereariaefolium).(50%) …7.0 g/l;

PESTS AND/OR DISEASES: African Bollworm. Ants. Aphids. CMR beetle. Red Spider Mite. Thrips. Whitefly

ACTION: Canola kills targeted small bodied insects on contact by means of suffocation. Garlic keeps insects away from plants. Natural pyrethrum has a residual action of maximum 24 hours after application and can kill bigger bodied insects on contact.

CROPS: Fruit, vegetables, roses, ornamentals, bulbs, salads, herbs, lawns( whole garden)


OR205 – 200mℓ

OR208 – 500mℓ

OR209 – 1ℓ

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SKU OR205 OR208 OR207 OR209 Categories ,
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Harvesting of edible crops 24 hours after last application.