Ludwig’s Rose Spider Mite Reg.no L 6943 Act36/47 NA-R0574

Ludwig’s Rose Spider Mite Reg.no L 6943 Act36/47 NA-R0574

USAGE: Insects: Red spider mite, European red mite and bryobia mite

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Etoxazole (Diphenyloxazoline derivitive)… 100 g/l Kills the eggs and juveniles of mite species ONLY.

PESTS AND/OR DISEASES: Red Spider Mite (Tetranychus urticae) European Red Mite (Panonychus ulmi)

ACTION: Controls the egg and immature stages of the red spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) in apples, pears, tomatoes and roses. European Red Mite (Panonychus ulmi) in apples and pears and various mites in citrus. It does not control adult spider mites. Apply at the first signs of mite movement

CROPS: Roses, ornamentals, apples, pears and tomatoes


OR200 – 50mℓ

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Harvesting of edible crops 36 hours after last application.