Margaret Roberts (Dipel) Biological Caterpillar Insecticide Reg.no L7112 Act36/47 NA-R0578

Margaret Roberts (Dipel) Biological Caterpillar Insecticide Reg.no L7112 Act36/47 NA-R0578

USAGE: Insects: American bollworm, lily borer, semi-looper, cabbage caterpillars, orange-dog caterpillar, lawn caterpillar and many more leaf-eating caterpillar species ( Lepidoptera spp.).

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki Bacterium)….…32000 IU/mg

PESTS AND/OR DISEASES: American bollworm, Lilyborer. Diamond-back moth caterpillar. Semi-(Plusia) looper. Leafroller. Lawn caterpillar

ACTION: Caterpillars eat treated foliage and stop feeding within a day or so. They may hang from the leaves before rotting and dropping to the ground usually within 3-4 days. This may take longer in cold conditions.

CROPS: Vegetables, fruit, flowers, bulbs, clivias, lawns, herbs


OR160 – 50gm

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There are no restrictions on applying Margaret Roberts Dipel Biological Insecticideu0p to the time of harvest