Ludwig’s Insect Spray + Reg.no L7150 Act36/47 NA-R0761

Ludwig’s Insect Spray + Reg.no L7150 Act36/47 NA-R0761

USAGE: Reduces run-off of sprays on plants. Increases the efficacy of pesticides and foliar plant foods. Extend the life of sprays on plant surfaces. One hour dry period needed after spraying.

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Canola oil…250.0 g/l.; Garlic extract 642.0 g/l ; Pyrethrins (extract of flowers of Chrysanthemum cinereariaefolium).(50%) …7.0 g/l;

PESTS AND/OR DISEASES: Increases the efficacy of pesticides, fungicides and foliar plant foods. Extends the life of sprays on plant surfaces. One hour dry period needed after spraying with the addition of Spray Stay to diluted spray mixtures.

ACTION: CROPS: Use with most pesticide sprays on all plants with a waxy and smooth leaf surface.


OR205 – 200mℓ

OR208 – 500mℓ

OR209 – 1ℓ

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Harvesting of edible crops 24 hours after last application.